Baptisms at SJCC

The act of baptizing is essential to the church’s life. Proclaiming the Good News in such a way that people are moved to profess faith and be baptized is a charge given to the Christian community from the Risen Christ himself.

Baptism Classes

First and second-time parents are required to attend two sessions, which are held on the 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month. While the classes do not need to be completed in the same month, please make sure you attend one of each session as the content differs.

Prospective parents are encouraged to participate in the Baptism Preparation Classes during the pregnancy.

Schedule your baptism prep class by clicking here.

A date for their baby’s Baptism can be scheduled upon completion of the class and once all necessary paperwork has been received including the Baptism Registration Form and all godparent documents.

There is a fee of $150.00 for the Sacrament of Baptism for first and second time parents and a $100.00 fee for third (or more) time parents, click here to pay by credit card.  



To Schedule Your Child’s Baptism

Please complete the Baptism Register Information Form. Once completed, email the form to Deacon Joe Slattery at [email protected]

Baptism Sponsor Forms

The following guidelines exist for all Catholic Parishes for godparents:

  • Must have completed their 16th year
  • He/she must have received Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Eucharist
  • He/she must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with our Church
  • Click here for downloadable sponsor form


Eligibility Forms for Sacraments outside of SJCC

To have a sponsor form completed, please submit the form to Karen Cain at the parish office or via email.  Turn around time for forms is 12-16 days. If the requesting parish did not provide you with a sponsor form, please click here to download ours.

Baptism Hosts

In response to the Risen Christ’s charge, SJCC has a Baptism host. They meet with new parents to discuss the sacrament of Baptism, and accompany the family on the day of Baptism and assist with their celebration.  To become a host, click here to find out more.