Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

What are Extraordinary Ministers on Holy Communion (EMHC)

When the congregation and mass attendance is so large that the preist and deacons (ordinary ministers of Holy Communion) cannot distribute communion in a reasonable time the will seek EMHCs to assist them at the mass. EMHC have an important role in helping to distribute communion and maintaining the reverence and sacredness of the sacrament. Lives free of scandal, reverent action, deportment and dress are important to the role of the EMHC.


Baptized and confirmed members of the parish community who practice the faith and receive the sacraments are encouraged to consider becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. One needs to attend a training session, have a willingness to spiritually prepare before Mass, and be willing to grow in in their faith and ministry.

Training Sessions

Training sessions are generally available throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming an EMHC, please email Deacon Joe at [email protected]