Formation Opportunities for Grades 6-8
  • Take a deep dive into Sacred Scripture as we open the Old Testament and live God’s Word in our daily lives!  
  • This is our high school dynamic formation and youth ministry. It is a combination of twelve (12) in-person Faith Formation Sunday classes, Youth Ministry events, and parish events. 

Sunday Program for Grades 9-12 

Time: 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM 

Dates: Oct 6, 13, 27 & Nov 3, 10, 17 and  Feb 9, 23 & Mar 2, 9, 23, 30 



Have questions? Email [email protected]

Follow us on Instagram @saintjosephccyouth


Additional Information  

Saint Joseph Catholic Community does not deny religious education/faith formation to any family due to inability to pay. If you are interested in more information regarding payment plans and financial assistance available, please contact us for details: [email protected] 


Frequently Asked Questions:


What must I (high school student) attend for the year? 

As a Young Apostle, Mr. Rosa encourages and strongly recommends you attend all twelve (12) in-person classes. Attendance will be taken at these classes. We ask for your help at parish events like the Block Party, Breakfast with St. Nick, the Confirmation retreats, and the Parish Lenten Mission as volunteers and leaders of the parish. You are invited to attend Mount 2000, the youth ministry & Confirmation retreat from Friday, Jan 31- Sunday, Feb 2.

Throughout the year, we invite you to attend and help at least one First Friday Adoration and at least one Lenten Fish Fry and Stations of the Cross. 

All youth ministry events, such as the Car Wash, 9/11 Memorial Service, March for Life, and Super Bowl Party, are encouraged but not required.

What is a Young Disciple? What is a Young Apostle?

This year, we use the term “Young Disciple” for middle school students and “Young Apostle” for high school students. “Disciple” in Hebrew is the word for “student” or “scholar” and “Apostle” in Hebrew is the word for “one who is sent” such as “one who is sent on a mission.”

What happens at HS Faith Formation?

In the 75 minutes on Sunday, Young Apostles will open with a gathering activity, open a passage of Scripture, do an activity based on the passage, discuss how it applies to our daily lives, and pray with the Word of God as a group.

What is the cost of HS Faith Formation?

HS Faith Formation is $50. This covers administrative costs, snacks, games, the parish-wide subscription, and a pizza party at the end of the Fall & Spring sessions.

I want to help supply snacks/volunteer! How can I help? 

If you have gifts in hospitality and service, you are invited to help set up our games, supply snacks, and set up the chapel or main church for prayer. If you have a gift in teaching, you are invited to lead small group discussions and even to facilitate a talk on the week’s lesson.

What is the curriculum? 

We are using a homemade Scripture plan of the Old Testament created by Mr. Rosa with Fr. John Worgul’s oversight based on the FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) Bible Study called “Salvation History” (click here to access).

My teen has not received Confirmation. Should I be in Confirmation Formation or Faith Formation? Can I do both?

You do not need to be in both. Faith Formation is to learn about the Bible. Confirmation preparation is specific prep for the sacrament of Confirmation.

Candidates can be part of both Confirmation preparation and Faith Formation, but please note- Confirmation preparation is offered for Grades 8-10 and has more dates (including a retreat) with more requirements, making it more intensive.

My teen is in 11th/12th grade. Can I still join HS Faith Formation or Confirmation Preparation?    

Yes! Please join HS Faith Formation. For Confirmation preparation, please email Mr. Daniel Rosa at [email protected] to set up a time to meet. You will join a more advanced formation. Please visit the Christian Initiation website page for more information at  

My student wants to become Catholic, receive Baptism, receive the First Reconciliation, and receive First Eucharist. Where do I go?

That’s amazing! We look forward to accompanying you on this part of your faith adventure. Email Mr. Daniel Rosa at [email protected] to set up a time to meet. Please visit the Christian Initiation website page for more information at 

915 Liberty Road
Eldersburg, Maryland 21784

443.920.9191 | 443.920.9192 fax

Parish Office Open

Monday – Friday

9:30 am – 3:30 pm