Catholics across the United States are saying “yes” to a special form of heart-to-heart accompaniment called the Walk With One initiative.
Through Walk With One, we hope to develop a Eucharistic culture within our community, where we each see ourselves being taken by the Holy Spirit, broken, and poured out to meet the needs of another person and to bring them into the fullness of life in Christ.
September- Identify someone in a spirit of humility.
During the month of September, prayerfully begin to discern who God is calling you to accompany.
Before you begin the process of inviting someone into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, spend time in prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide you in this process. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the person that He wants you to accompany. Consider going to Eucharistic Adoration ro committing to a period of silent prayer in Church to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
The Stages of Spiritual Companionship
Don’t just pick someone. Ask God whom he wants you to accompany on their journey home to the Church. He will point you to the person he has in mind and open doors for the conversations that needs to happen.
As soon as the Lord lays someone on your heart, begin to pray for them! Ask God to remove whatever obstacles are making it difficult for this person to draw closer to Christ and His Church. Pray for the grace to be able to accompany them well.
Look for ways to build a deeper relationship with this person. Get together with them for coffee or lunch. Listen deeply for promptings from the Holy Spirit as you get to know your friend’s joys and struggles. Share with them some of your own.
Follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. When the time is right, invite your friend to take a concrete next step in fostering a personal relationship with Jesus and the Church. This might mean joining you for a small group, formation event, or Mass on Sunday.
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