We Need You.
If you love babies and can offer about 1½ hours once a month to the Baptism program, we are looking for Baptism hosts to help on Saturdays or Sundays. This special ministry is also a way to evangelize and welcome new families into our loving community.
If interested, please contact Deacon Joe Slattery at [email protected]
What does a Baptism Host do?
Before Baptism
- Put the sacred chrism oil, the oil of catechumens, and the bowl with cotton balls on the creedance table near the altar.
- Put the metal “shell” for pouring and the appropriate number of small towels on the ledge of the baptismal font.
- Put the Baptism Register forms in the order that you will call the families to the font.
Greeting the parents and godparents:
- Greet each family upon arrival.
- Ask parents if the information on the Baptism Register Information Form is correct.
- Give the baptismal candle to the godfathers.
- Introduce the parents and godparents to the Priest/Deacon.
After the Ceremony
- Extinguish the paschal candle and move it back to the baptismal font, placing it in the saddle candle holder on the rear font wall.
- Extinguish all other candles on the altar.
- Have the Priest/Deacon sign the Baptism Register Information Forms and leave them in the baptism closet.
- Return the bowl and metal shell to the baptism closet.
- Put the used cotton balls in the marked bag in the baptism closet.
- Collect all white towels and put them in the hamper.
- Return the bottles of oil to the ambry.